Home Decoration Common Questions About Floating Stairs

Common Questions About Floating Stairs

by Whitney

Modern homes have long deviated from the traditional interior decorators, and designs homes are known to have. These designs make these homes look beautiful. One such design is the floating stairs.

They became popular because the stairs give viewers an impression of it just hanging in the air. Although they’re undoubtedly beautiful, it has left many with more questions than answers. For people with very little knowledge of architectural designs and construction, these questions and answers would come in handy to understand what floating stairs are all about.

What holds floating stairs in place?

This is one of the most common questions about floating stairs. There are different ways to successfully achieve a floating stair design. There’s the option of using concealed steel cantilever or visible stringers. Other ways include using treads that are firmly fixed to the adjoining wall, holding the floating stairs with structural walls, etc.

Can you babyproof floating stairs?

Yes, floating stairs can be made babyproof to avoid injuries. The best way to babyproof floating stairs is to place a baby gate at the entrance and exit of the stairs. Babies have no business climbing up and down stairs, and a floating stair should be off-limits unless properly supervised.

Are floating stairs safe?

Like any other type of stairs, when built properly following all structural codes and standards, floating stairs are super safe. However, some do have open risers and railings. Extra care should be taken when climbing to avoid accidents.

What’s the maximum weight capacity of floating stairs?

There’s no fixed weight capacity for floating stairs. However, each stair should be able to hold at least 330 lbs or 150kg of weight. The structural weight capacity of floating stairs would differ slightly by each city or country’s staircase building code.

Are floating stairs expensive to design?

Expensive is a relative term and would depend on the available budget. However, floating stairs cannot be categorized as cheap. A lot of factors will determine the overall cost of the floating stairs. For instance, the higher the floating stairs, the more expensive the cost. Also, glass floating stairs would normally cost more than wooden materials. The same applies to the chosen balance mechanism.

How thick are floating stairs?

It really depends on the support the floating stairs will be leaning on. Floating stairs fixed to a wall are slightly less thick than those fixed with a steel frame. Ideally, floating stairs have a thickness range of 3″ to 4″.

What’s the best floating stairs design?

It’s really all a matter of preference. The straight floating stairs seem to be more popular, but that doesn’t mean it is better. The house design and stair location will also play a critical role in deciding the shape and design of the floating stairs.


Floating stairs are a beautiful piece of architectural design. They add beauty to any space they are built. One quick look at them, they seem to just hang out in the air. The post answers the most common of questions surrounding floating stairs.

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