Home Lifestyle 5 Tips for Styling a Blonde Wig to Look Natural

5 Tips for Styling a Blonde Wig to Look Natural

by Whitney

Are you looking for a way to switch up your look without going through the process of dyeing or bleaching your hair? Then consider getting a blonde wig. Not only can it help you achieve the look you want, but it can also help protect your natural hair from any possible damage. But how do you style a wig so that it looks natural and not like…well, a wig? Read on to discover five tips for styling blonde wigs and ensure all eyes are on you.

  1. Start with clean, dry hair. Before styling the wig, ensure that your natural hair and the wig are clean and completely dry. This will ensure that there won’t be any surprises when styling the wig later on. It’s also important to remember that using too much product can weigh down the hair, making it appear less natural-looking.
  2. Create volume at the crown of your head. To create more volume at the crown of your head, backcomb small sections at the root with a comb or brush (make sure not to tug too hard). Doing this will add lift and body to your hairstyle. It’s easy to add extra oomph when styling a blonde wig.
  3. Use texture spray for added volume and texture. Texture spray is an excellent tool for giving extra volume and texture to your hairstyle when wearing a blonde wig (or any wig). Simply spritz some texture spray into small sections of the hair, then use your fingers or a brush to create movement in those areas.
  4. Curl or straighten as desired. Depending on what look you’re going for, curling or straightening parts of the wig can help give it an even more natural feel (and look.). Just be careful not to overdo it—a few curls/waves here and there should do just fine.
  5. Use hairspray sparingly as needed. If some parts need extra hold, use hairspray sparingly as needed—but don’t overdo it. Excessive use of hairspray can result in sticky build-up, making the hair look unnatural (not what we want).

How to spot a quality wig?

Quality wigs are an investment, and it’s essential to make sure you choose one that will last. Look for wigs made of natural human hair, as they tend to be the most natural looking and most accessible to style. Also, make sure that it has a breathable cap (so your scalp won’t get too hot and sweaty) and adjustable straps (so you can achieve the perfect fit). Finally, inspect the wig for visible damage (such as split ends or broken strands).


With these five simple tips, styling a blonde wig has never been easier. Creating volume at the crown of your head combined with using texture spray is an easy way to get natural-looking results every time—and curling or straightening certain pieces adds even more dimension and movement to give off an effortless vibe no one will be able to resist. So go ahead and try out these tips today, it’s time for everyone else to take notice.

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